Free Stuff
Do you love getting free stuff? Cool, click here, and snag some great free learning material! From short Quick Guides to hours of YouTube content, this section is always FREE. When you’re ready to move to the next level, you can proceed to the full library of Quick Guides, Books, and Courses.
Quick Guides
These Quick Guides are designed to compress decades of learning and thousands of hours practicing into minutes of reading for you. Most of the Quick Guides are crafted to be free while some are a couple of bucks, less than a cup of coffee. The free Quick Guides may be considered appetizers for the Books!
Who doesn’t enjoy a good read? This book is my current magnum opus. It is jam-packed full of guides, how-tos, walkthroughs, with examples and inspirational photos. This is the just the first edition, future revisions are included in your purchase. The volume also comes with free presets to help achieve the looks inside.
Video Courses
If you would love to be right there on a shoot with me, the Video Courses are perfect for you. On these Video Courses, I take you with me on multiple photo-shoots. You’ll be right there with me when I plan the shoot, I’ll share my thoughts during the shoot, and you’ll be with me during post-production.
If you’ve made it here, then you must be looking for the most comprehensive collection of Articles, Special Reports, Quick Guides, Books, and Video Courses. Here you’ll find complete Bundles to begin or extend your photography journey.

I am constantly looking for ways to share my knowledge with fellow photographers. If there’s anything you can imagine that I’m missing and it would tremendously improve your experience, please use the link above to contact me. I’d love to read any of your recommendations and feedback.